Scholastic Book Orders

We love books!

Dear Families,

We want your child to be a successful reader—and for that, we need your help.

When children choose their own books to read for pleasure, they enjoy reading more and spend more time doing it. The more your child reads, the better they will do in school and in life.

Scholastic Book Clubs flyers are made for you and your child to shop for books your child will love to read. Each month, the flyers are filled with trusted, excellent quality, age-appropriate books chosen by Scholastic for prices as low as one dollar.

Plus you will be helping our class when you order: Scholastic matches each order you place with FREE BOOKS for our classroom to share.

Thank you for helping your child become a successful reader.

The Kindergarten Teachers

Two ways to order:

1. Go online to:
Look up your teacher's name: 
Or enter our Class Code: see below
Follow the instructions to place your order online.

2. Look for a flyer sent home monthly in the red folder. Check off the books you want to order for your child and return this flyer to school with a check to Scholastic Book Clubs by the due date marked on the flyer. 

Ms. Livingston's Book Orders:  our code NPJTN or search for my name.

Mrs. Maguire's Book Orders:  our code NQNG6 or search  for my name.  


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